ASHA Events
A regular ASHA Event is considered to be a clinic and a competition. The recommended schedule is to have a clinic one day and a competition the following day.
ASHA Clinics - It is recommended that clinics offer sessions in all four ASHA events – Pleasure, Trail, Reining and Working Cow Horse and be affordable to participants. Participation in clinic reports must be compiled as required by ASHA and reported within 14 days to the ASHA office with all necessary attachments and fees.
ASHA Competitions – Competitions must offer the four ASHA classes of Pleasure, Reining, Trail and Working Cow Horse. Riders will be awarded for each class placing as well as all-around placing in each Division that is offered according to ASHA rules and point systems. ASHA score sheets must be used by judges. Scoresheets must be compiled as required by competition secretaries and reported within 14 days to the ASHA office with all necessary attachments and fees.